168- Tips on overcoming stress from business burnout

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz podcast show, we review six tips in dealing with emotional burnout in business. These tips came from a prior episode from Todd Henry in his podcast series of The Accidental Creative. These tips were repeated (as Todd mentions that he presents a repurposed episode), as they are very important in the world of small business. They deal with overcoming the burnout from latent emotional stress from some of the burdens of our environment and work which we, as entrepreneurs and creatives, can suffer during our journey.

There are six tips that Todd reminds us to help dealing with these emotional stress. And Todd spends a bit of time in explaining them all in his podcast episode:

  • Pause and Organize;
  • “Clear the decks” — get rid of the non-essentials that need to be “pruned” and removed, so that we can channel our energy in meaningful ways for those projects or tasks that give big returns to us;
  • Re-prioritize our goals, tasks and projects;
  • Time-Block dedicated space for actionable items that give your biggest returns;
  • Care for yourself physically — the solution is not to work harder, for that can backfire and run your body down, as well as your mental health; and
  • Re-route in your productive PASSION and get connected to the outcomes that matter to you.

Although Todd comes from a perspective of creative production for writers, authors and other creative pursuits in your business (e.g., podcasting), these six tips can help the entrepreneur to reduce the stress by dealing with — and overcoming — the level of stress from emotional burdens of your projects and goals.

Now, I myself have felt the burden of emotional stress in the goals when I was a full-time entrepreneur and had due dates, critical targets in revenue and giving my deliverables to the clients and customers, and especially in getting past the deadlines to realize that I was successful in many ways — and even to realize that I had not achieved my goals, and that I had gone through a failure, and it was time to learn from that.

I would suggest a good personal productivity set of tools (such as my earlier personal productivity seminar would teach when I was producing the podcast called Gain Control of your Day). I would then urge you to create the good habits to make you productive and internalize them, and then finally to understand when you can declare VICTORIES from your success in projects, tasks or goals (even small ones) so that you see and feel the progress that can help to relieve the weight of the burden of the emotional stress that we discuss.

Now, Todd felt that this topic was of such importance that he repurposed the original podcast from the past year — and I think he will repurpose it every year, since these are evergreen tips that can help creatives and entrepreneurs.

We hope that these can be of help to you if you recognize the symptoms of burnout and then apply these to ease the burden and drive you further to your business success.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Todd Henry and michaelandmike.com. All rights reserved.