177- Resolutions for new year for entrepreneurs

Struggling Biz


In this episode of The Struggling Biz podcast show, we discuss what some of our resolutions may be and where they may take us in 2023, if and when they become successful for the small business owner or startup or entrepreneur. But these may be better called SUGGESTIONS and proven effective tactics for small business owners.

I refer to a post from author and podcaster, Todd Henry, from his podcast and books called The Accidental Creative and The Daily Creative. In an email sent from early January of 2023, he includes some suggestions in his column called “3 Things.”  And these are three subjects and topics that can help to form strong resolutions that may help to bring about very strong results that can shape your positive view and actually make you more productive and show business results — which, by the way, can be by-products of strong new year’s resolutions. And they are:

  • Managing expectations;
  • Make a bias toward action into a habit; and
  • The “back burner” as a positive step toward variety and productivity.

(1) First, one of the habits we must get into is that of realistically managing your expectations in your business — not only of your own personal self, but in your relationships and of everyone around you and your situations in your business.

As you can see from this summary, this habit really shows itself to others as DISCIPLINE in all you do. As a matter of fact, Todd summarizes this word “discipline” (or, as I like to call it, DAILY SELF-DISCIPLINE) with a definition of “simply making an agreement with yourself…and keeping it.” 

Many of us try to accomplish this, but we may be overwhelmed by our situations and become slaves to the tyranny of the urgent — and thus, we may lose our productivity. As Todd reflects in his summary, we must realize what agreements we may make with ourselves are realistic — and then go ahead and PLAN for them and MONITOR them and then MANAGE THEM. Believe me, as a time management and personal productivity instructor, it becomes easier once the tiger that is crisis management has been tamed by strengthening our self-discipline.

(2) A short discussion about taking action is cited in a quote by Todd from Dale Carnegie“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

Yes, it is easier said than done, but the 2 simple words that you should keep in your mind are TAKE ACTION and move the ball of progress farther along for yourself and your projects (and the distance is something you can honestly define, measure and monitor for success).

(3) The final suggestion is to have a “back burner” of projects or tasks or desires (or even elements of a bucket list). These can be elements that can come in handy to relieve stress, to clear your mind and to re-charge you and your spirit for going back to the fight after a rest. You would be surprised at how refreshed you can be and how successful your revised projects and goals will be if you do take some time “to smell the roses” and reward yourself with small projects, tasks, elements or vacations.

As Todd states in his final sentence of his email and post:  “Build some time in your life this week to make something for yourself.” You will see the better results that can make you feel as if you have created and are fulfilling several new year’s resolutions.

Thank you for your attention.

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