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About this podcast show
This podcast show is about the challenges that face a struggling startup or small business venture or entrepreneur. We have contributors, like Chris Benjamin of Chris Benjamin Consulting, LLC. Also, we have interviews with different entrepreneurs, as well as those aspiring startups and entrepreneurs. We also interview those individuals who have stated that they do NOT wish to venture either into entrepreneurship or podcasting. This show also relates, in part, to podcasting, podcasters, the podcast environment and the podosphere. We will attempt to deliver other resources that can be of assistance to the entrepreneur at any stage of the life of the entrepreneurial venture.
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Welcome to Matrix Solutions Corporation is managed by Matrix Solutions Corp.
Matrix Solutions Corporation (based in Texas) is committed to providing you with solutions for your business or personal requirements for:
- Providing information and resources for ENTREPRENEURS;
- Helping you with Internet Media through Podcasting and video training and Screencasting;
Trends, Directions and Information of the Podcasting Industry, Startups and Small Businesses and predictions of the year 2030
The podcasts called Podcast Reporter and 2030 Podcast are is also managed by Matrix Solutions Corporation.
These podcasts are for serious media contenders in today’s Podcasting Industry. They provide information relevant for podcasters in the Industry as it relates to key participants, content creators and publishers, events and announcements, startups and entrepreneurs, etc.
Cultural and Educational podcasts
A cultural, educational and entertaining podcast sponsored by Matrix Solutions Corporation deals with folkloric dance and music of Mexico:
Click here to go to podcast of: Arriba! Folklorico Music and Dance of Mexico
You can reach Matrix Solutions Corporation via email at: matrixsolutionscorp @ [separated to prevent spam]
Copyright © 2019, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.