06- Five tips for Startups when growing their ventures — from experience

From his own personal experiences and case studies as a CFO, Chris Benjamin delivers the five tips and hints for startups and small business owners when they want to grow their ventures.

Told in an informal style — almost like a stream-of-consciousness delivery — Chris goes into detail, using himself at times as the example in the case study or story. But he relates these to the situations that other stakeholders will be reacting to the actions of an entrepreneur who wants to grow the business and have a successful entrepreneurship. And, yes, he bursts the bubble at times when it comes to the reality of how long it may take a startup to get to an ambitious target of revenue and grow.

Chris Benjamin

As you will hear in this audio episode, there is quite a bit of value placed on branding, appearance and word-of-mouth references, as well as the financial status of the company at any one time.

We hope that you consider these five tips and see if you and your firm measure up to them with your own stakeholders. And we wish you the best in growing your firm as a venture in a timely and successful manner.

Copyright (c) 2019, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Chris Benjamin Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.