115- Revenue streams for Entrepreneur value-based premium content

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we discuss the announcement and implementation of a revenue stream for a small business from an Entrepreneur who is a podcaster, a content creator, a manager of a production company and an author of one of the first books of podcasting, Podcasting for Dummies. His latest implementation of revenue stream creation is related to his podcast show, PodcastPontifications. And his name is Evo Terra.

In May of 2021, Evo announced a membership program built on his already successful strategy of using the facility and site of buymeacoffee.com/evoterra for his business, related to his podcast show.

The description of the program was included in a podcast episode scheduled in May, 2021, from the podcast show, the Podcast Reporter. It was episode 544.

In summary, here is the audio of the episode with details from the latter podcast show that describes the strategy of how Evo would plan to implement the program, based on his own ideas, as well as feedback from the other listeners who have donated to his program (so that he could deliver VALUE to them in his additional and premium content):

And you can go to episode 544 of that podcast show for written episode details or show notes.

Now, membership programs and platforms have existed since 2005 in the podosphere to monetize the podcast shows. And they have included:

  • premium content, in the form of premium episodes, back-catalogs and additional episodes, pdfs, videos and other publications — usually protected by passwords or other types of security;
  • online courses that related directly to the content or the strategy of the podcast shows, available at a cost (and usually from a different web site that had a payment program that charged for getting the course);
  • donation programs, like buymeacoffee.com, where you can deliver value in a financial payment  to the podcast host — e.g., Evo Terra;
  • the “value-for-value” model (promoted by Adam Curry and John C Dvorak of their show, No Agenda, and other shows on the noagendastream.com;
  • membership programs that created communities of like-minded podcasters who share ideas, content, education and also are educated by webinars, presentations and experts via webinars (e.g., Podcasterssociety.com;
  • and others.

However, this approach to adding additional value by signing up ahead of time for a year’s worth of members-only content and other benefits may be a trend toward creative strategies for the entrepreneur to use existing platforms by just “tweaking” and enlarging the scope of the value to be delivered by premium deliverables to a premium community.

Do you have a creative strategy that you can create and implement to improve on your firm’s revenue streams and increase your revenues with loyal clients, customers and followers? And it does not necessarily have to be in podcasting.

Well, whichever strategy you choose or create, we wish you the best in having the financial success and cementing relationships with loyal clients for your business.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Evo Terra and michaelandmike.com. All rights reserved.