120- Entrepreneur myths today debunked

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we review the top ten myths of an entrepreneur creating a business plan — and have them mainly debunked. The content is evergreen and is mainly a repurposed podcast episode from a prior show called The Struggling Entrepreneur.

Here, we review the top ten myths of a business plan, as indicated in a blog post earlier by Terri Zwierzynski.

As you will hear in this audio episode, many of us fell into the same traps and mindset of considering a business plan in an erroneous way. And there are the VERY FEW exceptions of successful entrepreneurs that had no plan at all, but made a successful venture into the entrepreneurship environment.

However, here, I also give my thoughts about how a business plan did help me in my 3rd venture as an entrepreneur, even though I created the plan a few years AFTER starting my third business.

I hope you will enjoy this repurposed content (always evergreen) and that it can aid you in your creation of a business plan that will lead to your success as an entrepreeur.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Terri  Zwierzynski and michaelandmike.com. All rights reserved.