132- Taking risk vs Minimizing risk for Entrepreneurs

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we discuss the theme of risk-taking as opposed to minimizing risk in the world of small businesses and startups and entrepreneurship.

We can even focus on a special case study in the world of podcasting.

You see, this risk-taking can resort to be either (a) a disrupter or (b) a non-conformist or (c) illogical crusader vs. the safe thing to do in podcasting (which could be to apply “conventional wisdom” and the “cookie-cutter” approach).

The inspiration for this episode of The Struggling Biz came from the podcast micro-episode from Todd Henry in The Daily Creative. The episode based its topic on the theme of: “When you always choose the safest route you take the greatest risk of all: never knowing what you might be truly capable of accomplishing.” (From July 7 of 2021). Thus, we speak about the conflict of accepting some risk and taking some chances vs. minimizing risk in making business decisions. [Note: Todd is also a prolific author of books, as well as a podcaster for his long-term show since 2006 called The Accidental Creative.]

Now, in our case study of podcasting, we can also focus on Evo Terra, podcaster for the Podcast Pontifications show. Evo Terra has been known as a “disrupter” in the area of creativity in podcasting and business.  His show of Podcast Pontifications outlines this in the changes he makes to his show and the topics he delivers with new ideas and suggestions for podcasters to make the entire area of podcasting better for everyone.

Evo has always promoted pushing the limit in your expectations and your delivery of solutions, as well as seeking for new areas to improve your business and your podcasting experiences — and thus, to make your podcast more successful. So Evo’s “disruption” promotes more on the risk-taking, but he also cautions to have a back-up plan and exit strategy, as well as “not putting all your cash and all your eggs in one basket.”

We strongly encourage you to consume his podcast pontifications on a more global view of the BUSINESS of podcasting, and the ideas that he promotes (which are usually evergreen) and can be applied to entrepreneurship in addition to podcasting.

One example of being a non-conformist and a “gentle” type of disrupter is the new podcast show called Grumpy Old Bears that launched in later 2021. This disruption from the safer method of the cookie-cutter approach to podcasting was initiated more for fun (with the emphasis on humor and a cynical approach to the topics — and thus, the grumpiness), but also in response to the woke-based lame-stream media and the cancel culture for those who did not agree with the radical left in their idiotic ideas and ideology. In fact, this called for even creating an alter-ego voice for the main character, Mr. Bear, who will lead the way in impatient grumpiness to make way for segues and for topic discussion and introduction.

The Grumpy Old Bear in podcasting

Thus, we encourage you to consume the episodes of The Daily Creative, as most of the topics can be related to success in small business, startups and entrepreneurs. If you do, we sincerely wish that you find VALUE in the daily delivery of these topics (now covered in over 5 books by Todd Henry, as well), so that your business and your podcasts will be successful in meeting — and surpassing — your objectives for success.

Thank you for your attention.

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