BONUS — Questions for small business owners and podcasters for 2020

Struggling Biz

In a recent episode of Todd Henry’s podcast show, The Accidental Creative, there are 4 questions that every entrepreneur should ask:

  • What do you want to experience?  — what kind of things would you like to get off your “bucket list”?
  • What do you want to do?  — especially, being more intentional to extend yourself and experience new things or what kind of travel would you need to do?
  • What things would you like to learn? — especially skills that you would need, as well as those that would deliver value and satisfaction to your personal life? What topics are those that need to be investigated?
  • How do I want to change? — this is the key question to determine your success or failure. How are you going to mark your success or failure? How are you going to be different in the year?

In the 13-minute episode of this podcast, The Accidental Creative, Todd goes into personal introspection as an example of each of these 4 questions.

As a result, in this very brief audio episode, I strongly recommend that you listen to this episode, for it can effect your future thinking and definitely add value to your yearly planning. And it does not matter what your business is — for us, we consider the area of being a professional (or even hobbyist podcaster who would like to monetize our content).


Because it can help us grow our podcast show with new areas to discover, new interviews to pursue and new opportunities to seek and to optimize and take advantage of.

Now, to help you with your planning at this time before the new year, there is a worksheet that can help you with these 4 questions, as well as a transcript for those of you who would prefer to do reading as a primary means of consumption.

You can go to the site of is where you can get a worksheet to implement this exercise of 4 questions (and there is a transcript to help you).

My thoughts about these 4 questions

Having been a 14-year student of Todd Henry and his podcast shows (he has multiple ones), I do respect his views and opinions. And because he keeps the elements very simple to both consider and digest, he allows us the freedom to develop our own thoughts and futures based upon his recommendations.

I have gone through this yearly exercise which he suggests, and it has helped me to clarify my goals and aspirations, as well as give me more energy and stimulus to pursue them in a positive way. And his suggestions go well with other tools and areas of thought and planning — for instance, for those of you who adhere to the precepts of the book by Dr. Steven Covey (either the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or First Things First). The precepts delivered in these works do fit in well with his 4 questions — especially when you consider and define your roles and goals for each of your roles (for me, it was as an Entrepreneur and small business owner, as well as a podcaster and screencaster and new media professional content creator).

In fact, I did interview him in 2013 for a prior podcast that I had at the time called The Struggling Entrepreneur, and it was a great experience.

So, whatever planning methodology you may follow for looking at the new year (if any), we hope that you include these four questions that will definitely help you to quickly streamline your thoughts and energize you for success.

Thank you for your attention.

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