34- Small business Telesummit and giveaway — and masterclass

Struggling Biz

In this episode, we briefly report on the program that was mentioned earlier in this podcast series called the BestYearEverGiveaway.com.

After signing up for the giveaway program, an email with a link to a free webinar was sent. This webinar was promoted as a “masterclass” — and it was over an hour and a half with several themes, including the definition of the model for a giveaway:

  • A Telesummit:
  • A Giveaway
  • A Masterclass
  • Giveaway host
  • Giveaway contributor

You may want to spend the 90 minutes to understand what the terms mean and how to participate in this model.

There are 3 nuances that are delivered by the webinar. One key nuance is what should be done to get the names and emails of the contributors. And the other 2 nuances relate to this. They ask if your contributor has visibility with your email list. In addition, there are other pdfs and resources that support them. You may want to investigate what they are.

However, this webinar emphasizes list-building techniques and using both telesummits and giveaways to exploit the leads you can get from these online collaborations. And there is a catch — they want to have you sign up for one of their current paid programs called “bootcamps.” The link at which delivered the video webinar was: https://bestyearyetgiveaway.com/bootcamp.

The model that is discussed shows you how to get promotional exposure and get leads so that you can improve your email list, as well as increase your revenues by selling to the leads. And, of course, most programs like this also include a squeeze page that keeps on going and going and asks you to sign up and pay for attending their “bootcamp.”

So, for an entrepreneur who wants to get sales and produce revenue streams from exploiting email lists, perhaps telesummits and giveaways may be a road you wish to investigate.

I, myself, have participated in telesummits at the beginning of the podosphere for podcasting. And this was a bit more professional, as it spanned nearly 2 weeks of evening audio seminars. I was a key speaker about podcasting, in addition to the other speakers who delivered content about other new media strategies.

So, if you have more than 90 minutes to spend on viewing this video, and if you want to use email list-building to exploit getting leads and selling your offerings, then perhaps you can contact these people and see about participating in their programs.

For us, we choose NOT to use these revenue-producing techniques, because list-building can be a huge drain of time and effort and patience. What we have seen is that the beneficiaries of telesummits and giveaways are the creators and sponsors of this, with the other participants getting minimal returns on the investment of time, effort, money, etc. — especially if it means spending a good deal of money for any following programs (like “bootcamps.”). Also, a MASTERCLASS can be something more professional, as skills are usually delivered and the results of these masterclass sessions should be crisp, concrete, and deliver the sales proof and social proof.

Thank you for your attention.

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