68- Podcasting can be profitable — Helpful book announced

Struggling Biz

In this  bonus episode of TheStrugglingBiz.com, we focus on the upcoming availability of a book from Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting. This book is actually a very heavily updated version of the original book called More Podcast Money. The name of the updated book that will be available very shortly is:

Profit from Your Podcast: Proven Strategies to Turn Listeners into a Livelihood


The link delivered will help you pre-order the book at a lower price point at this time. Now, for those of you who wish to start right away, you can always get the book now and listen to the podcast episodes at MorePodcastMoney.com.  In fact, Dave Jackson has been giving away the podcast episodes from this show for free. And they can help you prepare for the update of this book coming in September.

Note: As a past member of Dave Jackson’s membership site for podcasting, and as a former client (since Dave had been my podcast consultant that helped to create and launch 5 of my podcast shows), I have been promoting this book in my other podcast show called The Podcast Reporter.

So, as a word of advice, I recommend this book for new and aspiring entrepreneurs who wish to monetize their podcast shows so that they can create multiple revenue streams and make their podcasts profitable. However, you can prepare to build your revenue streams prior to getting the book — but a small caveat: for each revenue stream you create, you must treat it like a client. That is, you must create it, nurture it, monitor it, and update it as a living document so that it will keep creating value for your customers and delivering revenue for your business.

This is just a BONUS episode so that you can put podcasting into your business plan and strategize how you can make the podcast profitable in your small business and be on your way to being a more successful entrepreneur.

Thank you for your attention.

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