88- Entrepreneur creative time planning — time mgt vs mind mgt

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we are apprehensively looking at a possible  “dark winter” holiday season for entrepreneurs, as a result of the fear-mongering and the illegal shut-downs and lockdowns by the dictators (known as democratic governors) in this scan-demic of the phony virus crisis.

How can this holiday season be better for the vision of entrepreneurs and how will this different type of season affect them in their business?

Well, we feel that our MINDS have to be alert and on the go and also avoid the fear-mongering and the mind-control agendas of the media and the social media platform monopolies of Silicon Valley. We feel that using your MIND is the best way fight and survive during these days of insecurity.

For this, we turn to a discussion of the podcast episode from Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative podcast series. In a recent post titled “Manage Your Mind and not your time,” Todd interviews a specialist (David Kadavy) in Mind management for entrepreneurs.

Two key points that I found in this audio episode interview were the following that deal with specific attitudes and problems encountered by the entrepreneur and small business owner and the startup:

  • efficiency of time use vs. the effectiveness of time use for creativity, planning and differentiating value to the business; and
  • how each hour of the day is DIFFERENT in value, in potential, in opportunity and in results for your business and for yourself (to keep healthy).

I would strongly suggest that an entrepreneur listen to this episode and consider planning for your business on a daily basis — so that you can take advantage of the opportunities or dive into the execution of specific tasks toward objectives that can bring value to your customers, listeners or viewers and to the business. This is the effectiveness of using creativity and MIND MANAGEMENT, as opposed to getting more tasks completed in certain time limits (which is the efficiency).

There are other precepts which are also discussed, and we suggest that you consume the audio of this podcast episode.

We hope that you, as an entrepreneur, know how to accomplish more in less time with better results and quality and reduced stress (which is the time management course value statement which I had for my training in productivity) — but also be more CREATIVE in your mind for the elements of adding more VALUE to your business.

We hope that you can achieve better effectiveness in your creative time for getting better results for your business, as well as achieving the effectiveness needed for success.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Todd Henry of the accidentalcreative.com show and David Kadavy. All rights reserved.