89- Possible future of business — the world of GenZ

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we present a recent article that was written by Jason Dorsey in the post by JL Dumas titled “How GenZ will change the future of business.”

Now, we have heard such articles in other posts from podcasters such as Mark Horstman in Manager Tools that speak about the same topic and their prognostications.

But this article tends to describe more in detail of what the world of business may look like in the future, as the world of entrepreneurs becomes flooded with GenZ people who want to avoid high costs of college and university education and want to accomplish more in less time with smarter methods. This is part of what is described as “Zconomy.”

In the credentials part of this article, it claims that Jason Dorsey is the leading Gen Z and Millennial expert. He is President of The Center for Generational Kinetics. And his new book is Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business.

For this entrepreneur, understanding this generation may be one of the most important tasks for an aspiring or new entrepreneur. As you may have heard last year, most of the small business owners who launched their entrepreneurship are in the middle-aged group (some over 50 years of age). And the generation gap may get in the way of understanding if you have to hire another resource within that age group or if you enter into a joint venture with a GenZ person.

We do recommend that you consume this article and take a look at the book, because you may be confronted with GenZ people in the future who may end up working for you or partnering with you in entrepreneurial ventures or projects. If you do, the best thing for your understanding of them and ensuring that you can be successful with GenZ in terms of business relationships is to know what possible motives, loyalties and other traits of needed characteristics which you can adapt to for your success.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Jason Dorsey and JL Dumas. All rights reserved.