91- This holiday season for entrepreneurs is different

Struggling Biz

This episode comes after the holiday season with a theme for our listeners, be they either entrepreneurs or startups or other small business owners.

In this episode of TheStrugglingbiz.com, we are apprehensively looking at a possible  “dark winter” holiday season for entrepreneurs, as a result of the fear-mongering and the illegal shut-downs and lockdowns by the dictators (known as democratic governors) in this scan-demic of the phony virus crisis. This is basically a major “speed bump” created by — and implemented by — the local government, including mayors and governors.

How could this holiday season have been better for the vision of entrepreneurs and how will this different type of season affect them in their business? And by “holiday season,” we define that time to be from mid-December to mid-January of the next year.

Well, the “Black Friday” activities have all been consumed in the CYBER MONDAY (which is really cyber weekend) — and most of the gift-buying would be done online.

And the gift-giving? Well, that requires someone to leave their home (i.e., saying “no” to the stay-at-home “order”) and travel to deliver or exchange gifts. And many are doing that.

But the entrepreneur now has more time to prepare lists of activities and to plan in detail their future, which includes their short-term and long-term goals and objectives. So critical and detailed planning of projects, tasks and activities will be crucial for survival — and living by those detailed plans, for now it will be truly a “dark winter” where your future will depend on this.

And some small business owners may have to “pivot” during the scam-demic to another arena, since their business opportunities may have just dried up with the government mandates and lock-downs.

So living on the internet is the common path for most small businesses, since working at home can be the de facto method of conducting your business.

However, this type of isolation cannot last. And people will start to go out again, after vaccines have been delivered. The orders to keep the lockdown going will probably be met with resistance and protests. And, in the end, the entrepreneur will have most of the freedom of movement and opportunity from before.

But the key difference is: you have to beware of the government and the globalist objectives for the “build back better” meme and the organizations that will want to tax you, re-vaccinate you, manipulate you and mind-control you (if you get vaccinated with the vaccine that has the micro-chip that will be injected into you).

Now, the final statement deserves another post to determine what you, as a small business owner, will do if the mind-control and the manipulation does occur for those who get vaccinated. You can see Bill Gates talking from his ass — because who made him a doctor, and where did he study medicine, so that he can be the celebrity promoter of vaccines?

As he has said about vaccination:  “You won’t have a choice…”

Thank you for your attention.

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