122- Entrepreneur strategies for pricing and raising rates

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz.com, we discuss the dilemma reached by most service-based entrepreneurs — that of pricing and rates for your services.

So we refer to a repurposed episode from a prior podcast show called The Struggling Entrepreneur, where we get some lessons of how you may raise your rates once you understand the concept of delivering and communicating PERCEIVED VALUE and PERSONALIZATION to your customers (in this case study, the business is that of virtual assistant or VA).

In this repurposed episode, the theories of both perceived value and actual value, as well as customization and personalization dominate the content for entrepreneurs:

Although this blog post is not new, the content is definitely evergreen in the services business.

I myself have received much content (and a lot of it for free) in the form of pdf files and blog posts from Lisa R Wells. Her expertise in the area of services, as well as being a solo-preneur, is outstanding.

Now, perhaps with her ideas, you can strategize on how to create the content to deliver to your prospects and customers that will prove the perceived value and make it PROVEN VALUE for your services, once that the customer realizes that you care about his business.

So, we wish you the best in putting together your concepts, your strategies and your business plans to incorporate the ideas of proving and communicating the PERCEIVED VALUE of your business to your prospects and customers — and thus, you can deliver value to your customers and be successful in growing your services business.

Thank you for your attention.

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