125- Entrepreneur creative burnout — hints to deal with it

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we discuss the theme of burnout for entrepreneurs. In fact, these could be addressing the creative burnout for content creators and entrepreneurs (who are always in creative mode to find success in their business).

For this, we refer to an earlier episode of The Accidental Creative podcast from Todd Henry, where the title was “6 tips for dealing with Creative Burnout. They address the actions needed in order to keep yourself brilliant (i.e., doing good work that is important) with good results, as well as prolific (i.e., being able to do consistent work that produces lots of great results in good timing for continuity for your business, as well as being healthy (i.e., taking care of yourself physically so that you can keep on producing good work without burnout).

And the six steps for avoiding the pitfalls of this burnout are described by Todd in his podcast episode:

  • Pause and organize
  • Clear the decks and remove irrelevant clutter — ;
  • Reassign priorities and plan out their actionable accomplishment plans –;
  • Set aside or time-link (TM) tasks for projects and other high-priority goals  —
  • Care for yourself physically
  • Re-route in your productive passion — reflect your WHY and your purpose and your outcomes for your work that will produce a positive payoff for your mind.

Now, I have known Todd since 2006 when I first started listening to his podcast show. I have purchased a book from him in the past, as well as have subscribed to his other podcast show, The Daily Creative (now being resurrected in a podcast, book and audio format for those who want to purchase the license).

I have been a fan of his podcast shows for over 15 years, and his gems for the creative entrepreneur are outstanding.

I would strongly suggest that all entrepreneurs consume the content of his latest free episode on The Accidental Creative that speaks about creative burnout.

Why? I feel that we all need to catch ourselves when we tend to steer ourselves away from the 3 rules of creative success in business — and this episode gives us a 10-minute approach to review where we are so that we do not steer unknowingly into the area of creative burnout (it may be too late by the time we feel the consequences of such a burnout experience — for I myself have been there, and the recovery can be lengthy if we are not prepared for it by means of a review of our own business and actions).

Thus, I hope you can find success in your business by avoiding the creative burnout that is described, for the six tips that are given in this podcast may provide some value for you to become (and stay) more brilliant, more prolific and more healthy — and that way, you can be on the road to success in your business, instead of possibly recovery from an unexpected burnout.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and michaelandmike.com and Todd Henry. All rights reserved.