126- Entrepreneur practices and rhythms — the adjustment

Struggling Biz

In this episode of The Struggling Biz, we discuss the themes espoused by Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative podcast for the creative entrepreneur now that there is a large adjustment happening in the lives of small business owners and startups in the changes occurring after the virus crisis lockdown and the return to a more normal life.

In this episode titled “Time to re-think your rituals,” Todd explains the rituals (or practices) and the rhythms associated with our daily tasks and environment which can help us not only with creativity, but also with a plan for success.

The routine and regular rhythms can appear to be etched in stone that allow mindsets to become “ruts.”

Many of the entrepreneurs create self-imposed cages with their habits and tasks and “rituals” or practices that become our daily rhythms — so much so that perhaps we back ourselves into these rituals and they become ruts to us. Yes, the daily rut of our tasks that is losing enthusiasm, strength and passion (like going through the motions only, because we have no creative way of either looking at the situation or seeking new methods of practices to enter new rhythms or practices).

Remember the old saying:  ” A RUT is just a grave with open ends.” [from unknown author]

Also, Todd reminds us that we can perceive our daily rhythms and practices of rituals to become more than a mandatory set of procedures. As he states in this 15-minute audio episode, “a ritual is a RAIL, not a magic formula.”

Thus, we can channel our focus, energy and time in the right ways — even when our desired outcomes change due to the situations that we had (such as the recent virus crisis).

Thus, the answer is that we have to be committed to an outcome. And our rituals can exist to serve the outcome which are trying to achieve — they are a set of guard rails for our tasks and our objectives for our day. And this can help us keep the passion of our business strong and fresh to give us the enthusiasm to reach our objective, instead of just going through the motions such as daily rote tasks.

Although we have to adapt to our business during the recent virus crisis, we can now shift back to a new mode of business — and that will help us to re-think our rhythms and rituals that must adapt to our new season. And in order to do this, we focus on 3 experiences:

  • what outcome(s) do we need to navigate toward now?
  • how can routines and practices be built to be more consistent every day, so that we do achieve the navigation toward our outcome(s) for business success?
  • which routines or rituals today are in the way to prevent your path or navigation to success to achieve the outcome(s)?

So we hope that you can find the value in this episode when you reflect the rituals and rhythms of your day and your life. And we sincerely wish you the best in creating  or modifying your rituals and routines and practices in order to keep you on a passionate path for business success.

Thank you for your attention.

[Note: this episode was an advanced sample of the episodes of the upcoming podcast show called The Daily Creative]

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Todd Henry and michaelandmike.com. All rights reserved.