12- An inbetween-preneur or project-preneur — Lindsey Allen interview

In this episode, we have a repurposed interview with Lindsey Allen. He is retired after a full career in the world of high-tech and support with major firms, especially in the Austin area. He has enjoyed the exciting role of podcaster, as well. And he also contemplated entrepreneurship.

I had met Lindsey when I was the leader of the Austin Podcasters Meetup group. I had some consulting meetings with him, and I had seen his interest in podcasting grow, to the point where he would eventually take over the leadership of the Podcasters’ Meetup group and the podcast show that it had spawned. He also had a huge appetite for New Media at the time, and he had then converted the Podcasters Meetup group and podcast show into his own podcast series called Exploring New Media.

Lindsey was trying to decide whether or not to become a startup or small business owner or entrepreneur. He was contemplating whether to try and monetize his podcast, or to keep going steadily in the field of instruction, training, teaching and showing others how to be successful in the area of technology and New Media.

As you will hear in this audio episode, Lindsey’s passions are great, and his choices are many. However, many podcasters today are at this point in their lives as they come to a time in deciding if the excitement and satisfaction of being an entrepreneur is worth the stress and challenges of entrepreneurship. So Lindsey finds himself “inbetween life projects” — and thus, we coined the idea of a “project-preneur” or an “inbetween-preneur.”

Lindsey Allen

Now, you have heard the many types of entrepreneur descriptions — e.g., solo-preneur, vetrepreneur, necessity-preneur, hobby-preneur, unintentional-preneur, etc. (just to name a few common terms). Again, here we find another term for a different type of entrepreneur — one can be called an “inbetween-preneur” or a “project-preneur.” In this audio episode, we have an interview with Lindsey Allen, who has previously been a podcaster and has had his own show called Exploring New Media. We also describe what we mean by the “-preneur” terms.

Lindsey describes for us an envious situation where he does not desire the challenges and pressure of being an entrepreneur. He is currently enjoying his role as one who shares technical excitement with others and seeing them learn. He also enjoys writing, and at a point in the interview, I seemed to visualize him as a type of poet.

Lindsey can be reached at

lindsey @ exploringnewmedia.com  [separated to prevent spam]


We thank Lindsey for his contributions to the podosphere, and we wish him well in whatever direction he will pursue.

Copyright (c) 2019, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Lindsey Allen. All rights reserved.